Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kalaulah kan......=_=!

Selalunya pompuan ni memang ske bnde2 yg comey,cantik,hensem,unik,menarik n macam2 lagilah.tu memang lumrah kehidupan.haaa termasuklah aku pompuan memang dilahirkan mudah untuk cinta dan mencintai.tak kira manusia atau benda.aiseh man.sebab tu hati golongan hawa jauh lebih lembut dan mudah tersentuh even dgn something yg remeh temeh.contoh yang paling senang kalau mase tgk cte sedih n tragis semacam.menangis bagai nak rak.sedangkan cerita tu rekaan semata-mata ye kengkawan.tapi TUHAN dah cipta perempuan mcm tu,terima ajalah.
Kengkadang ble dgr kawan2 ak cte psl diorang break dgn boyfie diorang,teresak2 nangis..dengan air mata,air hidung segala air kluar.sadis je aku tengok.nak bagi nasihat pon xreti masalahnye.*ye,sbb ak xde pengalaman!*pastu,mulalah aku pny tisu jd mangsa.habis stok tisu utk,eh..tapi bukan nak mengungkit.juz nak crite.sejujurnya,ak xpernah n xtahu apa perasaan diorang ble bergaduh or putus cinta ni.tapi aku berusaha utk bg semngat kt kengkawan ak sbb ak SAYANG dorang.aku xnak lah sbb bnde2 leceh mcm ni kwn2 plak jd mangsa keadaan kan.lagi pun perjalanan idop masih pnjang ape.lek luu.mne lah taw..di pertengahan jalan nak pergi klcc ke..ou kee..terjmpe cowok gantengg.haa,kan dah melepas.kne plak muke mcm kim hyun joong ke,nickhun or edward cullen..menyesal xsudah.HAHAHAHHAHAHA
Tapi ak tahu.pompuan ni xmemilih pon sbnrnye.kalau muka mcm TETTT,but caring n sayangkan diorang..diorang dh cukup cair dah.ececeyhh.tapi tulah kenyataan kan.rupa tu xde la penting sangat.yang penting hati.wohooo.xkenal maka xcinta.mcm skang pon.berdasarkan cerita kengkawan aku*thnx pd shbt2 krna membantu.HEEE*..ramai kot yg minat org ske org lain.couple dgn org laen.then tup tap tup tap..break pon dgn org laen.confuse sungguh!seriously,mnde2 cmni kengkadang seronok gak jadi hiburan.terutamanya klu orang yg kte minat ade bg respon.

"Weh,ak rse dye pandang kte laa.Waah,excited nya!"
"Wehhh..ensemnyaa dia."
"Kalau dia jadi pkwe ak,mmg ak xtaw laa nak ckp ape!"
"Kau taw x,haritu pen ak jatuh.dia tolong angkatkan.sweet gle kott"

Yeeee,itulah antara ayat2 yang selalu meniti di bibir kami.hahahah ble teringat kenangan ngn kengkawan.bnde2 mcm ni lah yang paling dirindui.gosip ngn mengumpat tu xyah ckp lahh.astaghfirullah.insaflah wahai wanie ateen.sbb tu ak berazam nak berubah bulan2 ramadhan ni,iAllah***
Buat masa sekarang ni,memang ramai kawan ak yang dah rmai gak yg still single mcm aku.yeahh yeahh.tapi bg aku isu couple ngn xcouple ni x gugatkan langsung friendship yang terjalin antara aku dengan kngkwn aku.masing2 ade pendapat sendiri.dorang dah besar kot.yang penting dorang taw batas2 agama Islam.dunia sekarang ni maju.klik je dah dpt ilmu memcm.mustahil klu dorang xtaw psl agama dorang sendiri.Isu couple lebih peribadi.kte jgn pndai nak mengutuk orang aja.Perbaiki lah diri sendir n insyaAllah orang lain akan hormat n ikut cara kita.tu lah jalan terbaik.MULUT tu jaga dengan sebaik-baiknya.skang kte ktuk orng tu gatal,miang.ntah2 esok lusa kita yang jd mcm tu.NAUZUBILLAH.jadi tolong ye kengkawan..jangan judge orang dengan sangkaan yang buruk2 okayyyy
Kalau aku pulak..ble dah dengar n tengok macam2 pasal "gejala couple" ni..ak belajar utk lebih dekatkan diri pada KEKASIH aku jugak.ak xpernah miss berhubung dengan least xde lah ak jeles sgt tgk kengkwn ak ade bf.hahah xpsal.ak jgk berusaha dengan BERSUNGGUH2 sayang dan cintakan KEKASIH aku.walaupun xpernah jumpa DIA,hati aku cuma penuh dengan CINTA NYA.DIA jugak xpernah bercakap dengan aku,tapi DIA sentiasa mendengar luahan isi hati aku.xkira time aku happy,sedih or marah.sebab tu aku sayangkan DIA.rmai yang kasihkan DIA.tapi ak terus merebut cinta DIA supaya aku bahagia dunia akhirat.aku doakan korang pon akan temui cinta korang macam aku temui CINTA HAKIKI aku. =DD

p/s:tetbe terase ak melalut panjang sangat.haha

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Diari seorang penulis alototototttt =p

Salam semua.Hari ni dah masuk 7 hari kte umat islam berpose.Alhamdulillah~ Semoga puasa tahun ni lebih baik dan dipenuhi dengan ibadah2 berbanding tahun lepas,iAllah.
yeahh.sepanjang puasa ni keje aku abiskan buku breaking dawn.seriously addicted hot edward cullen.HAHAHa mse puasa ni laa mcm2 story books yg mnjd penemann.wuuu buku2 cte meg cabot,stephanie meyar of course..sume jenis buku cerite pon layan.Plus second novel yg aku tulis pun dah siap.wohooo ALHAMDULILLAH.bru je abis bulan lepas.kalau ikutkan,aku xdelaa mnat sgt bce novel melayu.yg best2 mstlah yg penting sejujurnya memang xminat bce novel melayu.*tp xbemksod novel melayu xbest okeyyy* yang xtahannye,knon2 xske bce novel cintan cintun nih..tapi ntah dari mne idea utk tulis novel datang.1st start mse form 2..nk isi mse lapang laa ktekann.xde mnde kot nk buat.HAHAH so bajet nk buat cerita.lebih kpd mkin lme mkin syiok plak.BEST glee dpt curahkan bakat TERPENDAM.kengkwn pon bg support.siap bce lg.mule2 mlu la gak nk bg org bce,bt lme2..bnde tu dh jd passion kte.=D
Lebih kurang pertengan form 3,siaplah my 1st novell.wahhh,bangga taw!Novel tu bg khas utk kakak sempena birthday dye.OKAY,SEBENARNYE BILE BACE BALIK TERASE BANGANG.hahah sebab ayat2 yg aku tulis terase SANGAT KELAKAR DAN KEBUDAK-BUDAKAN.but what do you expect dgn bdk form 2 pny cerite kan???ahahahhaha terimalah seadanya.cerita yg aku wat lebih kpd friendship and family.Well,of course lah ada lovey dovey.that was the interesting klu bce blik mmg ak rse xcaye ape yg aku tulis.TULIS.sile paham di situ ye.bukan taip,tapi tulis di dalam dua buah buku yang xbley lg TEBAL.hahaha TERBAIK.segala macam jenis tulisan kte bley tgok dri tulisan bdak xckup umo smpai la terlbey umooo.HAISHHH
then berbekalkan minat yang lebih mendalam,ececehhh~hahah aku wat second novel mse form 4!!!haha tp disbbkan mse yg xtntu,last month bru dpt siapkan.dlm mse yg sme aku dh start the third book.yeaaahhh.EXCITED gile.mne x nyee.kepuasan ble tulis buku memang xbley digambarkan dengan apa1 pon.SANGAT PUAS sampai rse nk lompat2.xtaw laa org len,bt ak mmg skee mengarang.tu bnde yg ak minat ya teramat.utk bku ketiga,bru half siap.xtaw pulak ble siap bt hehrp bley siapkan dlm mse yg terdekat.utk perancangan bku keempat,bley laa korg beri cadangannn.waaa rse mcm penulis terhebat lg termasyhur HAHAHHA okey,oleh sebab aku dah penat mentaip2 ni..len kali plak ak berblogging lg kay..TATA TITI TUTU =D

P/S:kpd kengkwn yg terdekat..klu nk bce novel aku..juz msg laa.iAllah aku emailakn. :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011


15 JULY 2011
First2 tersentap gak,kebende laa course yg aku dpt.but after dah usha2 sket,alhamdulillah aku n family aku meredhai kputusan yg aku dpt.Bersyukur ajalah sebab lebih ramai yg xberkesempatan meneruskan pengajian kat uni mne2 kan..Aku yakin ramai yg xpuas hati dengan course2 yg diorg dpt.ade yg result 3 pointer above pon dpt course yg bukan2 yakinlah dengan apa yang korg dapat sebab Allah lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk diri kita.Macam aku pon..First2,ak berangan nk jd dentistry kann.punye lah beriya2 smpai family ak sume pon bajet tnggu aku klu2 sakit gigi ke ape.HAHA tp apekan daye,semuanya dah diTENTUKAN olehNYA.Manalah tau,dlm course ni nanti ak jadi pelajar terbaik keee.kannn???InsyaAllah.Doakan lah kejayaan aku yee.
Sebelum ak lupe,ak nk wish korg SELAMAT BERPUASA.waaaa cepat taw mse skang.aku rse bru je thun lps pose rye sume.tup tap dahh puasa lagi.haihhh.azam tahun ni aku nak SOLAT TERAWIH sebanyak yang mungkin,INSYALLAH.yeahh.wpon rye sekejap kat uma...sob3, *sbb kne masuk um 4 SEPT 2011* aku tetap nak abiskan mse puasa nih ngn family puas2.huhu kepada sume muslimin dan muslimat sekalian,SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN AL MUBARAK dan sama2 lahh kte meperbykkn ibadah pd hari yang mulia ini.Aminn.

P/S: BERBANGGA dengan pencapaian HARIMAU MALAYA walaupun kalah semalam.Yang penting diorang dah berusaha demi negara tercinta.GO2 MALAYSIA! Semoga harimau malaya terus gah dan mara dengan penuh semangat! =))

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Sejak kebelakangan dan kedepanan ni..Aku rasa cam jiwang semacam..HAHA layan lagu pun TANGKAP LELEH pnyee.yang xthnnye ble dgr lelagu ni,menangis tak pasal.Dah macam org xbetul.ak rse ni mst kes lme sangat duk umah.Otak pun dah jadi mereng.memang stok LAYAN DIRI aja.klu xpon,kluar ngan mak kee..kakak ke.Duit berabis tgk wayang tak sudah.kalau kumpul blk duit tu,mst blh beli kete sebijik~haihhh nak kluar ngn kawan..rmai yg kje.nk kluar ngn pkwe,pkwe pon xde.senang cte,duk diam2 kat uma.wat ibadah lelbey sket.huhu malangnye,mse ak diisi dengan tgk cte korea xabis2.mak ak smpai kta dye rse cam kat korea sbb ak dok psng channel kbs world aja!haha asal ak ade kt bwh,remote bwk lari jejauh.ekeleh,sabo ajelaa.pastu semua lagu korea yg latest dan matest ak download.tu hobi yang plg nyata dan hakiki.rse puas dgr lgu2 koreaa.waaah,gitu!tp cecmne pon ak smngt malaysia.yah,1 MALAYSIA!ok,xpsl.yg pntg,pd org2 yg seangkatan ngn ak..klu mnt korea..berpde2 laa.jgn smpai memuja dorg sgt.klu mnat2 cenggitu sekadar isi mse lapang sudee.jgn over,klu ade lgu n cte korea best2..share2 laa yee. =D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nur Kasih~~

YEAYYYY!!berjayee melengkapkan misi pada hari yang mulia lagi bersejarah ini.HAHA semangat glee tgk nur kasih.Siap bgun pepagi bute n siap2,then sampai wangsa walk kul 930am!!HAHA adoiii..pas makan kt restoran mamak tepi2 tu,TEPAT kul 10am ak and mak ak dah terpacak depan wayang.MASALAHNYEE,bukan kitorang aje yg CITED lbey okeyy.MASYARAKAT MSIA sumenyee berkumpul untuk menyokong karya MELAYU.waaa kelas gitu!
Yang lwknye,ade sorg mak cik tu siap jalan laju gle lintas ktrg sbb nak potong line beli tiket!!adoii...mak cik mak cik..lek luuu..xdenyee lari kaunter tiket tuu.HAHA pastu msuk jee wayang,popcorn dah abeh suku..tu bese laa kan.nak tnggu cte tu start.sok sek sok sek ngn mak lu.Mule je cte,dah mood SDEY.YEE TERBAIK!!!adoii
Kalau laa ade laki cam aidil tu,mmg bhgiee idop.waaa,baik sgt kot~adoii mamat korea mmg tros cmpak ke laut.xde dh nk pk due tge kli.memcm dh berkorban.nk ape lg???yg pntg..ak yg emo lbeyyy.waaa mmg puas ati tgk dan meerasmikan nur kasih tepat kul 11 am.HAHA xsia2 date ngn mum ak arini..soo,aku menyeru kpd RAKYAT MSIA utk menonton nur kasih di pawagam yee.xkan rugi malah menguntungkan jiwa perasaaan..yeahhh.SELAMAT MENONTON SUME!=D

Sunday, May 15, 2011

SEANDAINYA by wanie_ateen=D

Saat siang diratah malam,
ku terpandang langit kelam terbentang,
Dalam lengang terselindung rahsia derita,
Hanya bisu bermaharajalela,
Terus bermonolog,
Terus menyepi,
Ibarat hilang tunggak di hati....

Aku biasa bangkit setelah terjelopok,
Aku bisa berlari setelah mengengsot,
Kan ku tadbir jiwa kecil ini,
Agar tidak bergolak seperti kini,
Dan tanpa lelah meniti hari,
Aku bangun sekali lagi...

Tika air mata deras mengalir,
Kalam Tuhan menjadi peneman,
Semangat rapuh bercantum semula,
Doa restu sentiasa dipinta,
Agar bila di dunia sana,
Aku diberi peluang kedua..


16th MAY 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Titipan untuk Wanita

Artikel Cinta ini telah disampaikan oleh saudari dieda di Forum Tentang Cinta.

"Sebaik-baik wanita ialah yang tidak memandang dan tidak dipandang oleh lelaki."

Aku tidak ingin dipandang cantik oleh lelaki. Biarlah aku hanya cantik di matamu. Apa gunanya aku menjadi perhatian lelaki andai murka Allah ada di situ.

Apalah gunanya aku menjadi idaman banyak lelaki sedangkan aku hanya bisa menjadi milikmu seorang.

Aku tidak merasa bangga menjadi rebutan lelaki bahkan aku merasa terhina diperlakukan sebegitu seolah-olah aku ini barang yang bisa dimiliki sesuka hati.

Aku juga tidak mau menjadi penyebab kejatuhan seorang lelaki yang dikecewakan lantaran terlalu mengharapkan sesuatu yang tidak dapat aku berikan.

Bagaimana akan kujawab di hadapan Allah kelak andai ditanya? Adakah itu sumbanganku kepada manusia selama hidup di muka bumi?

Kalau aku tidak ingin kau memandang perempuan lain, aku dululah yang perlu menundukkan pandanganku. Aku harus memperbaiki dan menghias peribadiku karena itulah yang dituntut oleh Allah.

Kalau aku ingin lelaki yang baik menjadi suamiku, aku juga perlu menjadi perempuan yang baik. Bukankah Allah telah menjanjikan perempuan yang baik itu untuk lelaki yang baik?

Tidak kunafikan sebagai wanita, aku memiliki perasaan untuk menyayangi dan disayangi. Namun setiap kali perasaan itu datang, setiap kali itulah aku mengingatkan diriku bahwa aku perlu menjaga perasaan itu karena ia semata-mata untukmu.

Allah telah memuliakan seorang lelaki yang bakal menjadi suamiku untuk menerima hati dan perasaanku yang suci. Bukan hati yang menjadi labuhan lelaki lain. Engkau berhak mendapat kasih yang tulen.

Diriku yang memang lemah ini telah diuji oleh Allah saat seorang lelaki ingin berkenalan denganku. Aku dengan tegas menolak, berbagai macam dalil aku kemukakan, tetapi dia tetap tidak berputus asa.

Aku merasa seolah-olah kehidupanku yang tenang ini telah dirampas dariku. Aku bertanya-tanya adakah aku berada di tebing kebinasaan? Aku beristigfar memohon ampunan-Nya. Aku juga berdoa agar Pemilik Segala Rasa Cinta melindungi diriku dari kejahatan.

Kehadirannya membuatku banyak memikirkan tentang dirimu. Kau kurasakan seolah-olah wujud bersamaku.

Di mana saja aku berada, akal sadarku membuat perhitungan denganmu. Aku tahu lelaki yang menggodaku itu bukan dirimu. Malah aku yakin pada gerak hatiku yang mengatakan lelaki itu bukan teman hidupku kelak.

Aku bukanlah seorang gadis yang cerewet dalam memilih pasangan hidup. Siapalah diriku untuk memilih permata sedangkan aku hanyalah sebutir pasir yang wujud di mana-mana.

Tetapi aku juga punya keinginan seperti wanita yang lain, dilamar lelaki yang bakal memimpinku ke arah tujuan yang satu.

Tidak perlu kau memiliki wajah setampan Nabi Yusuf Alaihisalam, juga harta seluas perbendaharaan Nabi Sulaiman Alaihisalam, atau kekuasaan seluas kerajaan Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, yang mampu mendebarkan hati jutaan gadis untuk membuat aku terpikat.

Andainya kaulah jodohku yang tertulis di Lauh Mahfuz, Allah pasti akan menanamkan rasa kasih dalam hatiku juga hatimu. Itu janji Allah.

Akan tetapi, selagi kita tidak diikat dengan ikatan yang sah, selagi itu jangan dibazirkan perasaan itu karena kita masih tidak mempunyai hak untuk membuat begitu.

Juga jangan melampaui batas yang telah Allah tetapkan. Aku takut perbuatan-perbuatan seperti itu akan memberi kesan yang tidak baik dalam kehidupan kita kelak.

Permintaanku tidak banyak. Cukuplah engkau menyerahkan seluruh dirimu pada mencari redha Illahi.

Aku akan merasa amat bernilai andai dapat menjadi tiang penyangga ataupun sandaran perjuanganmu.

Bahkan aku amat bersyukur pada Illahi kiranya akulah yang ditakdirkan meniup semangat juangmu, mengulurkan tanganku untukmu berpaut sewaktu rebah atau tersungkur di medan yang dijanjikan Allah dengan kemenangan atau syahid itu.

Akan kukeringkan darah dari lukamu dengan tanganku sendiri. Itu impianku. Aku pasti berendam airmata darah, andainya engkau menyerahkan seluruh cintamu kepadaku.

Cukuplah kau mencintai Allah dengan sepenuh hatimu karena dengan mencintai Allah, kau akan mencintaiku karena-Nya. Cinta itu lebih abadi daripada cinta biasa. Moga cinta itu juga yang akan mempertemukan kita kembali di syurga.

Seorang gadis yang membiarkan dirinya dikerumuni, didekati, diakrabi oleh lelaki yang bukan muhrimnya, cukuplah dengan itu hilang harga dirinya di hadapan Allah. Di hadapan Allah. Di hadapan Allah.

Yang dicari walau bukan putera raja, biarlah putera Agama.
Yang diimpi, biarlah tak punya rupa, asal sedap dipandang mata.
Yang dinilai, bukan sempurna sifat jasmani, asalkan sihat rohani dan hati.
Yang diharap, bukan jihad pada semangat, asal perjuangannya ada matlamat.
Yang datang, tak perlu rijal yang gemilang, kerana diri ini serikandi dengan silam yang kelam.
Yang dinanti, bukan lamaran dengan permata, cukuplah akad dan janji setia.
Dan yang akan terjadi, andai tak sama dgn kehendak hati, insyaAllah ku redha ketetapan Illahi..

Wahai wanita, ku ingatkan diriku dan dirimu, peliharalah diri dan jagalah kesucian.. semoga redha Allah akan sentiasa mengiringi dan memberkati perjalanan hidup ini.


"Pandangan mata seorang wanita lebih tajam dan merbahaya daripada tembusan panah yang berbisa. Oleh itu awasilah selalu agar jangan terkena panahan matanya..."

Aduhai wanita sungguh mahal pandangan mu di mata lelaki, tapi kenapa masih ada lagi yang tidak menyedari? Dirimu terlalu agung di mata lelaki dan terlalu mulia di sisi pencipta mu; namun itu semua hanya jika kau tahu mengagungkan dan memuliakan diri mu sendiri. Menjadi wanita adalah satu anugerah yang tepaling indah. Seharum mana pun wangian kasturi tidak mampu menandingi wangian budi pekertimu, lembutnya gumpalan kapas masih tewas dek kelembutan tingkah mu, halusnya butiran pasir yang menjadi peneman setia si pantai masih tidak dapat menandingi halusnya tuturmu.

Duhai wanita sebenarnya, maruah diri yang kau galas lebih berat daripada bongkah bongkah batu yang besar, kau menepis dengan penuh sabar tiap godaan nafsu dunia yang datang bertubi tubi hingga hampir mengheretmu ke kancah yang penuh onar. Percayalah wanita, akan ada bahagia diakhir kesengsaraanmu asal saja kesabaran menjadi bentengmu.

Wanita ku, terima saja makian yang bederu deru ibarat halilintar yang singgah di cupingmu, terima saja itu dengan senyuman dan ambil saja sebagai halwa telinga yang mengajarkan mu erti kesabaran. Itu sebenarnya dendangan sumbang dari bibir bibir sumbing yang ingin melihat mu sungkur. Percayalah akan ada berita manis yang singgah dicupingmu suatu masa nanti asal saja gunung kesabaranmu tidak pernah kau tarah.

Saudara wanitaku, iman mu adalah perisai, agamamu adalah landasanmu disetiap langkah yang kau atur. Jangan sesekali kau biarkan anasir songsang memperkotak katikan iman mu apatah lagi agama yang kau kandung hanya kerana nikmat duniawi semata mata, jangan kau gadaikan maruahmu yang tidak ada galang gantinya hanya kerana mengejar sesuatu yang tidak mungkin bisa kau kendong. Andai kata kau tersungkur, segeralah bangkit dan sekiranya kau tersasar jauh dari landasan hidupmu atur kembali langkahmu bersama titipan iman dan mulakan dengan langkah yang baru. Sedangkan sang jentayu yang kepatahan sayapnya masih bisa hidup bertongkat paruh apatah lagi kau yang dianugerahkan akal fikiran. Jangan bersedih wahai wanita andai apa yang kau ingini tidak kau beroleh di dunia, syurga itu sentiasa menanti mu. Bulatnya iman dan takwa sumaiyah ketika di hunuskan tombak ditubuhnya, demikian jugalah bulat iman mu harus kepada pencipta mu.

Peganglah kata kata ini, "kau sebenarnya tidak akan tersasar seandainya keimananmu kau jadikan sebagai tunjang dalam kehidupan".

Wanita, biar tawadukmu lebih menggungung daripada kejelitaanmu, biar keayuan mu terpancar dek kerana lemah gemalainya perilaku, biar kebijaksanaan mu terpampang oleh tingginya ilmu mu. Jangan sesaat pun kau lupa setianya masyitah pada Tuhannya, agungnya kasih khadijah kepada agamanya dan perjuangan srikandi srikandi agama terdahulu. Jadikan agama mu sebagai tunjang yang memperkasakan akidah mu, biar kesabaranmu manjadi benteng perjuanganmu dan lebarkan iman mu dengan sejuta lapis sifat mahmuda. Jadilah kita wanita paling bahagia.

Artikel Cinta ini telah dikirimkan oleh saudari Sarah Gurlz melalui kiriman email.

6 Reasons why sweet to be SINGLE

kel Cinta ini telah disampaikan oleh saudara silver_planet di Forum Tentang Cinta.

Tidak berteman? Rasa sunyi? Usah harungi detik bersendirian dengan perspektif pesimistik. Berikut adalah antara alasan mengapa single ROCKS!!!

1. Bebas dan berdikari
Jika terasa ingin membeli belah, jangan fikir lama-lama. Dengan kebebasan yang ada, anda boleh membuat apa sahaja yang anda suka, sama ada menonton wayang romantiks seorang diri atau ke salun kecantikan. Jika teringin mencuba stail rambut baru, pergilah ke salun dan dapatkan nasihat. Bukan sahaja kebebasan ini dapat memberi anda ruang untuk mebuat perkara yang diinginkan, anda juga dapat berkenalan dengan lebih ramai rakan baru tanpa perlu risau boyfriend berasa cemburu.

2. Jadi rakan yang baik
Sememmangnya tanpa kekasih di sisi, anda mempunyai banyak masa berkualiti bersama rakan-rakan. Anda boleh ke spa bersama-sama dan mengadakan parti di rumah. Bukan sahaja mengeratkan hubungan malah memberi peluang mengenali diri dan rakan. Detik yang dikongsi bersama boyfriend ke padang bola atau futsal boleh digantikan dengan membuat aktiviti yang lebih berfaedah dengan rakan baik.

3. Lebih banyak masa berkualiti di rumah
Ibu bapa sering terasa keseorangan apabila anak gadis sudah besar dan mempunyai boyfriend terutamanya apabila anak-anak sudah bekerja dan mempunyai rumah sendiri. Kalau single, lebih banyak masa boleh diluangkan bersama mereka di rumah. Sama ada makan malam bersama atau berbual-bual di hujung minggu cukup bermakna kepada kedua-dua ibu bapa anda. Bukan itu sahaja, anda juga boleh membantu ibu mengemas rumah atau menolong ayah mencuci kereta. Hubungan kekeluargaan akan lebih erat.

4. Kuat keuntungan dengan part-time
Dengan banyak masa terluang, anda boleh membuat kerja part-time. Bukan sahaja memberi wang lebih malah berpeluang berkenalan dengan orang baru. mungkin anda bertuah bertemu teman baru yang berkongsi minat yang sama.

5. Jimat kos
Bila berdating, perbelanjaan akan meningkat. Bila single, perbelanjaan boelh dijadikan simpanan dan digunakan untuk aktiviti yang diinginkan seperti melancong ke luar negara dan membeli komputer riba baru. Anda boleh memilih untuk makan fast food dan pulang ke rumah menikmati makanan ibu. Bukan itu sahaja, anda tidak perlu keluarkan bajet untuk hari2 speselseperti hari kekasih, ulang tahun dan sebagainya.

6. Kurang beban tanggungjawab
Anda tidak perlu risau sama ada rakan-rakan boyfriend sukakan anda atau tidak. Anda juga tidak perlu risau sama ada ibu bapabya mempunyai impresi positif terhadap anda. Dengan menjadi single, anda hanya perlu bertanggungjawab pada diri sendiri. Segala keputusan terletak di tangan anda dan tak rasa gusar atau bimbang sama ada ia akan merisaukan boyfriend anda.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


1. Andai kata cinta itu sebuah pengorbanan, mengapa pengorbanan itu bukan nokhtah sebuah cinta? Andai kata derita itu harga sebuah cinta, mengapa cinta itu semakin sukar dimiliki? Cinta seumpama kota kristal indah di penglihatan derita di perasaan.

2. Ada orang pada mulanya malu untuk jatuh cinta tapi bila perasaan menjadi rindu padanya, tiba-tiba perasaan malu itu menjadi hilang dengan sendirinya dan terpaksa menerima kenyataan yang sebenarnya bahawa anda telah jatuh cinta.

3. Gerak geri memberi pengertian kepada perasaan yang tidak terucap oleh kata-kata.

4. Cinta yang di semadikan tidak mungkin layu selagi adanya imbas kembali. Hati yang remuk kembali kukuh selagi ketenangan di kecapi. Jiwa yang pasrah bertukar haluan selagi esok masih ada. Parut yang lama pastikan sembuh selagi iman terselit di dada.

5. Cinta yang datang umpama pelangi ceria dengan 7 warna memukau saat bayu berlagu riang, tika itulah cintanya hadir. Apabila mata terlihat seseorg yang bakal mewarnai hidupnya.

6. Cinta bukan paksaan. Ia lahir dari dua perasaan, kehadirannya tidak diundang, perginya tiada yang merelakan kerana ia terlalu sukar untuk dimengertikan.

7. Persahabatanbiasanya berakhir dengan percintaan tetapi percintaan tidak pernah berakhir dengan persahabatan.

8. Cinta bukan mengajar kita lemah tetapi membangkitkan kekuatan. Cinta bukan mengajar menghinakan diri tetapi menghembuskan kegagahan. Cintabukan melemahkan semangat tetapi membangkitkan semangat.

9. Apakah sebenarnya cinta itu? Cuba katakan. Tak lain tak bukan ialah dua jiwa dlm satu fikiran dan dua hati dlm satu debaran.

10. Cetusan cinta pertama merupakan suatu getaran yg sangat menggoncangkan jiwa.

11. Kadangkala kita menyedari betapa dalamnya kita menyintai seseorang, disaat kita sedang kehilangannya. Dan kadangkala kita juga menyedari betapa perlunya cinta seseorg terhadap kita, disaat kita amat memerlukannya.

12. Cinta yang lahir dari pandang pertama adalah cinta suci, manakala perasaan cinta yang lahir dr kemesraan persahabatan adalah cinta sejati. Namun sukar untuk membezakan yg mana lebih abadi, cinta suci atau cinta sejati.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Letting her go....

"I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! " Jeanne's eyes were wide and filled with tears. She was afraid of what he would say to her.

Jeanne was a nerdy girl with thick glasses. She was a junior in her middle school. She was in love with the hottest guy in the entire school.

And now, she told him that she loved him.

"Haha! Shut up. Nobody would like you! Who do you think I am?"

Jeanne had feared he would say something like that. She was devastated. She started running. She didn't want to face him ever again. All these thoughts and feelings ran throughout her head. Until, she bumped into something.

"Hey, whats up?"

She had bumped into James.


"NO! James! Don't do it! It's not his fault. I was the foolish one to think we can ever date."
"But Jeanne!"
" No, it's OK! I should go."
" JEANNE... James grabbed her by the wrist as she was getting up. Don't go."

Jeanne stared into his eyes and felt so warm and fuzzy; a feeling she didn't feel for a long time. But, she looked away. She saw in such a long time, it felt awkward to feel it again. And then she gently took her wrist out of James' grasp and slowly walked away from him with tears in her eyes.

"Dammit, James! You really did it this time! Jeanne just left you! And why are you trying to hit on her?"

James walked back home with his hands stuffed in his pocket. Thoughts of Jeanne ran throughout his head. He didn't want Jeanne to be hurt by a jackass. He wanted to show her that he loved her. He wanted to show her he cared. But Jeanne just seemed to ignore him. And then, something ran into him. He crashed on the ground and saw Jeanne was on top of him. She seemed to not know whom she crashed into. James smiled.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm very, very sorry. I should have been more careful.. I'm sorry. Can I repay you somehow?"
"Jeanne", James said, lifting her chin and brushing her bangs. Jeanne looked through his soft eyes and almost melted.
"James..." said Jeanne. Suddenly, she started crying. James was shocked.
" J-Jeanne? What's wrong?"
"I' m s-s-such a f-fool! H-How c-c-can I th-think t-that G-Gyung H-Hoon c-can love me?"
"Jeanne.. I would not call that foolish.. I actually admire you going up to him and confessing. However, crying about him is indeed foolish. Jeanne, Don't cry about that jerk. Here, let's go to my house. We're right in front of it!" Jeanne nodded.

James led her to the bathroom.

"Take off your glasses. We need to wipe those tears off." He said with a smile. Jeanne took them off without a word. James turned on the water and wet a washcloth. Then, he gently wiped her tears off her face.
" James.. Do you love me?" James was startled by this comment.
" Why do you ask me that?"
" Because.. it seems like it. Do you?"
" Haha! Jeanne, you are my friend."
" Oh.. OK. I think I'm not so teary now. Thanks, James."
" No Problem. Do you want something to drink?"
" Um... OK." She followed James out the door.
He handed her a glass of orange juice and they sat down outside on a bench.
" Are you going to be all right?"
" Yeah.. Thanks. But I don't think I'll be able to face him again."
" When he calls you something bad, just yell my name. OK?"
" OK." she said with a small laugh.
" But what are you going to do when I call you?"
" I'm going to beat him up!"
" What if everyone starts hating you?"
" It doesn't matter. As long as the one girl I love is happy."
" Ooh, James! You like someone?"
" Yeah.. Guess. I'll never tell you until you get the right answer."
" Hmm... is it Amy? She's pretty! What about Lauren? She's nice and quiet. Or is it Becca? She's generous. Or maybe it's Courtney! She's not all that nice though..."

After a few tries, she gave up.

"Who is it? I'm dying of curiosity!"
" Let's see.. she has glasses.. she's in love with Eric, she's sitting right next to me! Jeanne let out a small gasp."
" M-Me?" James nodded. Jeanne almost passed out.
" James! I have declared you crazy." James started laughing.
" Why won't you believe me? I like you.. I want you to be my girlfriend."
" But you're the second hottest guy in school! What if everyone criticizes you for bad taste in girls?"
" I don't care¦ I told you. As long as the one girl I love is happy." he said, smiling.
" No, really, James. No games this time. All serious.. all right?"
" Yeah.. I know."
" Oh my god..." Jeanne said, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Jeanne, I just want to be the right guy for you." he said while putting his arm around her shoulder. She leaned against him and for the first time, she felt accepted by someone special.
"But, James! Why did you say I was just a friend before?"
"Umm! I didn't feel like it was time yet." Jeanne nodded. She knew how hard it was to say, "I love you." She knew how nervous you would feel. And she knew how hard it was to feel the reject.
"I understand, James. I'm just glad you told me. I'll think about it."
"Jeanne, do you still like Eric?"
"What has he got, that I don't?"
"I just don't know! I mean! you two look the same! you guys wear things all similarly! but! I like Eric better."
"All right! I'll make him like you. He knows he's not going to win in a fight." Jeanne wrapped him in her arms.
"James! I'm all right. You don't have to do all that." And then he wrapped her in his arms.


"Eric, can I see you for a moment?"
"What up, dude?"
"It's about Jeanne!"
"Oh no! don't tell me about that ugly! I just barf when I hear her name!"
"Hey! I have other girls who want me. The least thing I need now is another girl who is ugly and slow liking me."
"She's not ugly and slow! She's kind and beautiful in the inside when you get to know her!"
"Wait! do you!?"
"Yes! I do!"
"Haha! Then why don't you date her?"
"Because! she's in love with a jackass!"
"STILL? Haha! Man, she's hilarious! After I rejected her like that?"
"Hey! please! it would mean a lot to me! just say that you at least like her as a friend and apologize for what happened last time. Man, she came running all the way to my house and started crying! She was just! out of control, man! Just tell her that! please?"
"All right!"
"You're the best!"
"Hey, Jeanne! I'm sorry for what happened last time. I was sort of tired and grouchy. I wasn't in a good mood. I never wanted to say it that way. I like you as a friend. And I want to keep that relationship. All right?" Eric let out a hand for a shake. Jeanne nodded. She let out her hand and they had a friendship shake, which made James smile.

"See? Eric likes you! He just wants to keep the relationship just as friends! All cool with you?"
"Yes.." she said softly. James took her hand and walked away with her.

"You all right, now?"
"Yeah!" she nodded. "But he only wants us to be friends! because I'm a nerd!"
"Jeanne! Why don't you ever think about me? You know he's a jerk! Why do you mope around for that! So what, if he doesn't like you! Everyone is different, Jeanne. To my eyes, you are a beauty. You can't always think about him! There are other guys out there for you! Not just Eric and me! I really don't want to see you like this."

"James! Do you really love me?"
"I don't think I need to answer that!" They stared at each other for a long time.
"James!" She tried to push him away and he staggered a little.
"Jeanne! answer this for me! do you love me?"
"James, I never intended to be your girlfriend. I just want to be your friend."
"Oh, I see! you're treating me like how Eric treated you. You don't want to be my girlfriend because I'm way different than you. You don't want to be my girlfriend because I'm better looking than you and you're afraid that people will jeer you because of that. Well, you know what? I don't care about any of that!" And with that, he grabbed her and locked her lips into his. After a while, he moved away.

"Oh, you really do love me!" She hugged him.
"But, Jeanne! do you still have feelings for him?"
"Yes! I always have, and always will."
"Do you want to be pretty? Like those girls over there?" James pointed to a group of girls. They all had big hoop earrings and what Jeanne noticed was that they did not have any thick glasses like her. Jeanne nodded. She was pretty ashamed about it.
"It's all right, Jeanne. All girls want to be good looking. Even they were ugly once. Everyone is."
"Sure! I used to act like a girl once. I always thought about my appearance, my clothes, and my hair ; just like a girl."
"Haha! That's funny!"
"It's good to see you laugh. Now, Jeanne. I'll help you become pretty'. Then will you be happy?"
"I don't know. I've never been attractive in my life.." she said innocently.
"Well, it's time you are!"

"OK! we'll start off with your hair. It's nice and curly. I don't think it's right to put it up in a hairdo or anything. Something needs to go with it. And I have just the perfect thing."
"What is it?"
"Jeanne! we need to pierce your ears."
"Well, that wasn't so bad! right?"
"Yeah right," Jeanne said, rubbing her ears. "James, it's even painful to touch my ears!"
"Then just leave them alone before you get an infection!"
"All right! Geez!"
"Now, we need to focus on your clothes. You can't always have a blouse with a tight sweater squeezed over it, you know. It looks like our school has a dress code. You should have a tight shirt with a miniskirt. That would look good on you."

"OK! now that we have all the clothes and jewelry, all we need to fix are your glasses. We need contacts for your eyes."
"How are we going to do that?"
"I know someone who can get us contacts. I knew my eye doctor for a long time. He can help us with it."
"So you want to give her contacts for these glasses?"
"Yeah. Can you help us?" "Well! the lens are really thick! You must be studying really hard, student," he
looked at Jeanne. She smiled and nodded.
"So! will you take them?"
"Yeah, I guess. I really like the design. It can be a display. And whoever wants it, can get it. All right, let's get you some contacts."
"That was pretty easy, right, Jeanne?"
"But it's pretty weird not pushing up some glasses every 10 seconds."
"Haha. But your new blue eyes look marvelous."
"Wait a minuet! You got blue contacts? BLUE?!"
"Yeah. And the extra pair is just regular hazel... the same color as your eyes."
"I want the hazel ones. I don't want to be a Caucasian."
"No. Don't you want to be matching with Eric? Eric has blue contacts, too, you know!"
"Fine!" Jeanne pouted. But James knew inside she was happy. He knew he was going to have to let go of her.


On Monday, James brought Jeanne to school. Everyone gathered around them and agreed that James and the new beautiful girl was a good couple. James put his arm around Jeanne and took her to Eric.

"What up, man? Who's the chick?" Eric asked.
"You'll never know."
"So tell me!"
"You want to tell him, girl?" James asked Jeanne.
"Hi! I'm Jeanne." James and Jeanne smiled when they heard him gasp.
"The! the nerdy! nerdy girl?"
"The same, Eric! the same."
"Can I talk to you, James?" Eric took James away from Jeanne. "Dude, what the hell is happening here? That's not Jeanne, right?"
"It is Jeanne! How can you live like that? How can you live with one spontaneous idea stuck in your head? Can't you ever think about Jeanne being beautiful and attractive?"
"Well! no."
"See? I knew this was a bad idea. But she loves you! Can't you believe that? And I love her! so I'm letting her go to the one jerk she loves. Peace, man," and with that, James walked away. "Good luck, Jeanne." He stuffed his hands into his pants pockets. He tried to stop the tears from streaming down his face. Jeanne! if you love him that much! I'll let you go. I hope that jackass won't hurt you.

"So! You're Jeanne! The one I rejected?"
"Umm! Yeah."
"Well! I've thought about it, but I think I want you to be my girlfriend."
"Your girlfriend?"
"Yeah." Jeanne couldn't believe her ears. Thank you, James. "So! do you accept?"
"Of course I do! It's always been my dream!"
"Gosh! you have pretty weird dreams! Hey, you look cold. Here." Eric took off his sweater and wrapped it over Jeanne. Jeanne was so happy she was crying. Eric wiped her tears and comforted her.


After school, Jeanne called James to thank him.

" James! Thank you so much! It went so well between Eric and me!"
"That's! that's great, Jeanne."
" I owe it all to you. Let's go out for lunch or something sometime. I'll pay." Jeanne sounded so happy.
"Jeanne, I don't think that'll be possible."
" Why not?"
"I'm leaving! to Korea."
" What about your parents? Why are you going? How are you going? I just don't believe this!"
"My parents were dead a long time ago, Jeanne. I have enough money to get on a plane to Korea."
" But! what about me? I thought you loved me!"
"Yes, I do. But you're in love with someone else and I don't want to burden you. I want you to be happy with the one you love and not be pressured by me. Tell Eric that I congratulate him and tell him good-bye please. Bye, Jeanne."


Jeanne couldn't believe it. She was able to date because of James. She was able to get attractive because of James. She was always comforted because of James! And he was leaving her out by herself in the big, hateful, hideous world. She felt suddenly so scared. She dialed James's number again, but he disconnected the phone. She finally knew who was important to her now.

She quickly dressed into the clothes James had bought for her and ran outside. She was running for dear life to James's house. When she got there, he was right there, in front of her.

Jeanne was so happy she cried out, "JAMES!" He turned to face her. "James, how can you leave me like this?" James looked at her with his soft eyes.

"I'm sorry, Jeanne. I have to leave. My cab's here. Bye, Jeanne." James gave her a peck on the cheek and disappeared into the taxi. She watched the taxi disappear into the curve and watched her James gone! forever. She started crying and crying as if her life was over. But it was! she was now alone in the world, with no one to support her.


-15 years later-

James came back to America as a successful lawyer. He came back to America in search for the girl he had loved 15 years ago. Everyone in Korea had questioned him. And now that he was back, he was able to search as much as he wanted. But, little did he know there was a problem with that.

"Eric?" James had called Eric. They were in touch the whole time James was in Korea.
" Hey! What's up?"
"I came back to America, dude!"
" Oh! Umm! OK!"
"I want to ask about Jeanne. Is she all right?"
" You see, James. There's something about that you should know."
"I'm getting a bad feeling about this!"
" Well, I guess you can say she's happy and well."
"What do you mean?"
" She's with God, man. She's gone."
"Haha. Nice joke. I'm not kidding. Tell me where she is."
"DUDE! I'M TELLING YOU! AFTER YOU TOLD HER YOU WERE LEAVING HER, SHE STARTED GETTING DEPRESSED AND GETTING STRESSED! IT WAS HORRIBLE, MAN! WHY THE F*CK DID YOU LEAVE? SHE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE! BECAUSE OF YOU, SHE HAD TO SUICIDE! WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU DUMASS JERK! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER! I DON'T THINK THAT'S WHAT GUYS WHO FALL IN LOVE DO TO THEIR CRUSH! SH*T! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. REMEMBER WHEN YOU CALLED ME A JACKASS? You'd better think again.- Click! The phone fell from James's hand. He dropped to his knees in disbelief. He just couldn't believe it. He felt like everything was against him. He felt so angry with himself. He felt like ripping himself up. He wanted to follow Jeanne up to heaven.

For days and days, James didn't eat a morsel of food. He started getting so much stress.

-20 days later-

James was buried right next to Jeanne's grave. His tombstone read:
R.I.P.James Park


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tips for Happiness

These ten tips for happiness give you little shots of happiness you can use to be happier now. A happy life consists of a long string of happy moments, and what better way to make sure you get your daily dose of happiness than to cheer up in the moment?

After all, studies show that happy people are more open to the things around them and better at finding creative solutions. So, when you need to get happier right now, try a few of these do any where, any time tips. Most only take a few seconds and can turn your whole day around.

1 Smile

There is a connection between how we feel and how we hold our body. When we feel happy, we smile automatically, without thinking about it. And, when we smile, we start to feel happy, automatically without thinking about it.

2 Dance

Dancing is a good way to express physical joy. Whether you kick up your heels, shake your hips, or waltz at a stately pace, dancing is something we do when we are happy and, like smiling, dancing can work in reverse too. Plus, anything physical, like running, swimming or playing a sport, will tend to produce natural endorphins in your body that make you feel good.

3 Sing
Singing is another thing we do naturally when we're happy that can work in reverse. This tip is a big part of the reason behind the blues; singing sad songs to feel better. So go ahead and whistle while you work.

4 Play the Glad Game

The character Pollyanna, in the Disney movie of the same name, plays the glad game whenever she is feeling sad or gloomy. What ever the situation, find something to be glad about. She asked for a doll and got crutches instead, but was glad she didn't need them. When everyone complained that they hated Sunday, Pollyanna was glad it wouldn't come around again for 6 more days.

5 Play Any Game

In his ground breaking research on flow, that sense of being in the zone, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi found that people enjoy a challenge that is just within their reach, particularly when they get immediate feedback on how they are doing. Many things lend themselves to games, like seeing how fast you can sweep the floor, or how many homework problems you can do in 5 minutes. The key is to have a clear, feasible objective that makes you stretch and that you can measure.

6 Appreciate Something

Whether you stop to smell the roses or admire a job well done, appreciating something makes you feel good. Often it makes you smile. Acknowledging goodness and beauty feels good.

7 Thank Someone

Just feeling grateful for something, appreciating it and acknowledging your appreciation, will give you a lift, and if you share your gratitude by thanking someone you can get a double shot. Whether you write a letter or tell someone directly, thanking someone lifts your mood, and usually cheers the person you thank.

8 Tell Yourself a Story With a Happy Ending

Human beings like stories. We tend to empathize with the main characters and when they feel good at the end of the story, so do we. This can also work when you tell yourself a story about a situation you are in now. Imagining the situation with a happy ending not only gives you a mood lift, but helps wire your brain and body to make that happy ending happen.

9 Dream about what you want

This can be as simple as thinking about ice cream and as complex as imagining world peace. The more sensory detail you can put into your dream, the better. If you can taste the ice cream in your mouth, feel the cold creaminess of it, smell the chocolate or see the strawberry chunks in the soft pink cream, you will feel better. Your brain produces many of the same feel good chemicals as when you experience something pleasurable when you just imagine experiencing it.

10 Do a Good Deed

Doing good feels good. You could give a compliment, a financial contribution, share these tips for happiness, or just help someone on the street with directions. No matter how big or small, good deeds are like smiles- the more you do self-less acts of kindness, the happier you feel and the happier you feel, the more you want to pass it on by helping someone else feel good.

Often these tips for happiness are better together. For example, try smiling and playing the glad game, or singing your appreciation to someone. Any time you need a little shot of happiness, try one of these tips for happiness and be happier now.

Friday, April 22, 2011

A siLEnt LovE

From the very Begining, the girl's family objected strongly on her dating this guy. Saying that it has got to do with family background & that the girl will have to suffer for the rest of her life if she were to be with him.

Due to family's pressure, the couple quarrel very often. Though the girl love the guy deeply, but she always ask him: "How deep is your love for me?"

As the guy is not good with his words, this often cause the girl to be very upset. With that & the family's pressure, the girl often vent her anger on him. As for him, he only endure it in silence.

After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated & decided to further his studies in overseas. Before leaving, he proposed to the girl: "I'm not very good with words. But all I know is that I love you. If you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, I'll try my best to talk them round. Will you marry me?"

The girl agreed, & with the guy's determination, the family finally gave in & agreed to let them get married. So before he leave, they got engaged.

The girl went out to the working society, whereas the guy was overseas, continuing his studies. They sent their love through emails & phone calls. Though it's hard, but both never thought of giving up.

One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control. When she woke up, she saw her parents beside her bed. She realised that she was badly injured. Seeing her mum crying, she wanted to comfort her. But she realized that all that could come out of her mouth was just a sigh. She has lost her voice......

The doctors says that the impact on her brain has caused her to lose her voice. Listening to her parents' comfort, but with nothing coming out from her, she broke down.

During the stay in hospital, besides silence cry,'s still just silence cry that companied her. Upon reaching home, everything seems to be the same. Except for the ringing tone of the phone. Which pierced into her heart everytime it rang. She does not wish to let the guy know. & not wanting to be a burden to him, she wrote a letter to him saying that she does not wish to wait any longer.

With that, she sent the ring back to him. In return, the guy sent millions & millions of reply, and countless of phonecalls,.. all the girl could do, besides crying, is still crying....

The parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget everything & be happy.

With a new environment, the girl learn sign language & started a new life. Telling herself everyday that she must forget the guy. One day, her friend came & told her that he's back. She asked her friend not to let him know what happened to her. Since then, there wasn't anymore news of him

A year has passed & her friend came with an envelope, containing an invitation card for the guy's wedding. The girl was shattered. When she open the letter, she saw her name in it instead.

When she was about to ask her friend what's going on, she saw the guy standing in front of her. He used sign language telling her "I've spent a year's time to learn sign language. Just to let you know that I've not forgotten our promise. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I Love You. With that, he slipped the ring back into her finger. The girl finally smiled.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

InnOvatiVE dELIveRY

Had a good laugh with this Chinese delivery!

Innovative delivery method, the Chinese ways...forget about DHL, UPS or even FedEx !!! Enjoy Reading.....

A family in the Southern Province of China, were puzzled when the coffin of their dead grandmother arrived from the States. It was sent by one of the daughters. The dead body was so tightly squeezed inside the coffin, with no space left in it! When they opened the lid, they found a letter on top; which read as follows:

Dear Cousins,

I am sending Ahma body to you since it was her wish that she should be cremated in the compound of our ancestral home in Tung Shin. Sorry, I could not come along as all of my paid leaves are consumed.

You will find inside the coffin, under Ahma's body, 12 cans of Yohmeitsu, 10 packets of Swiss chocolates ! and packets of Chinatown Lap Cheong. Please divide these among all of you.

On Ahma's feet you will find a new pair of Nike Air shoes (size 10) for Ah boy. Also, there are 2 pairs of shoes for Ah Mei's and Ah Lien's sons. Hope the sizes are correct.

Ahma is wearing 6 CK T-Shirts. The large size is for Ah Bak and the others are for my nephews. Just distribute them among yourselves.

The 2 new Armani Jeans that Ahma is wearing are for the boys. The Rolex watch that Lee Ah Bai wanted is on Ahma's left wrist.

Kiasu Aunty Pei Pei , Ahma is wearing the Tiffany necklace, earrings and ring that you asked for. Please take them.

The 6 white Polo cotton socks that Ahma is wearing must be divided among my teenage cousins.

Let me know what else you need as Ah Kong is also not keeping well nowadays. I can send all required things when our Ah Kong goes back too............

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


That Should Be Me :

Everybody's laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy
Do you do what you did when you
did with me
Does he love you the way I can
Did you forget all the plans
that you made with me
'cause baby I didn't

That should be me
Holdin' your hand
That should be me
Makin' you laugh
That should be me
This is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Feelin' your kiss
That should be me
Buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
till you believe that
That should be me

That should be me
You said you needed a little time
for my mistakes
It's funny how you use that time
to have me replaced
But did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies
Whatcha doin' to me
you're taken' him where we used to go
Now if you're tryin' to break my heart
it's working 'cause you know that

That should be me
Holdin' your hand
That should be me
Makin' you laugh
That should be me
This is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Feelin' your kiss
That should be me
buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
till you believe that
That should be me

I need to know should I fight
for our love for this long
It's getting harder to shield
this pain in my heart

That should be me
Holdin' your hand
That should be me
Makin' you laugh
That should be me
This is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Feelin' your kiss
That should be me
Buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
Till you believe that
That should be me

That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me

(Thanks to Shayna for these lyrics)
Everybody's laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy
Do you do what you did when you
did with me
Does he love you the way I can
Did you forget all the plans
that you made with me
'cause baby I didn't

That should be me
Holdin' your hand
That should be me
Makin' you laugh
That should be me
This is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Feelin' your kiss
That should be me
Buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
till you believe that
That should be me

That should be me
You said you needed a little time
for my mistakes
It's funny how you use that time
to have me replaced
But did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies
Whatcha doin' to me
you're taken' him where we used to go
Now if you're tryin' to break my heart
it's working 'cause you know that

That should be me
Holdin' your hand
That should be me
Makin' you laugh
That should be me
This is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Feelin' your kiss
That should be me
buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
till you believe that
That should be me

I need to know should I fight
for our love for this long
It's getting harder to shield
this pain in my heart

That should be me
Holdin' your hand
That should be me
Makin' you laugh
That should be me
This is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Feelin' your kiss
That should be me
Buyin' you gifts
This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
Till you believe that
That should be me

That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me

By JB~

Monday, April 18, 2011

coretan terakhir

sajak ni khas ku coretkan utk ibu dan ayah

Berteleku di bawah sinaran bulan purnama
mengingatkanku kepada dua insan teristimewa
menjadi sandaran hidupku
tidak pernah kulupa
menadah tangan ke langit
mengucap seribu kesyukuran
dikurniakan dua insan
sesempurna emas bertatahkan berlian

Ucapan ibu
panggilan ayah
terlalu sebati dalam hati
anak kecil yang masih mengongoi
dibelai kemewahan sayang
Malah di saat jalan yang dilalui bengkang bengkok
mereka hadir
meluruskan kembali perjalanan

Keheningan senja
mengingatkanku waktu itu
Terlalu cinta dengan dunia
Bertemankan setan durjana
Aku tidak peduli
pandangan sinis para intelektual
namun ku rebah
kalah pada ibu dan ayah
tatkala pandangan mereka masih tidak berubah
terus mencorakkan kain buruk dan busuk

Dunia menyamakanku dengan sampah
ayah dan ibu pula
mengangkatku persis mutiara berharga
dari longkang ku beralih ke tempat setinggi langit ke tujuh
Agar dapat mengucup sinar keinsafan
pintu taubat masih terbuka
terbuka luas kepada insan bergelar hamba
Lalu meniti jambatan kejayaan
sejurus kebahagiaan dalam genggaman
Cahaya yang wujud semakin pudar
Di saat aku berdiri di puncak dunia
Ibu dan Ayah pergi menghadap Yang Esa

Sebak menyelubungiku
Hampir terjerumus ke lembah dusta
terumbang-ambing bersendirian
Mujur nasihat mereka terus berkuatkuasa
kasih sayang pasangan ini mekar mewangi
Semerah-merah darah mengalir
Merah lagi CINTAku pada insan
bergelar ibu dan ayah

Dikarang oleh-Nur Syazwanie Fatin Hanizan

Friday, April 15, 2011


Cerita ni aku dapat kat email kisah Cikgu dan Murid yang Lucu.

Kelas yang tadi bercempera tiada guru, kini menjadi senyap sunyi. Ini adalah kerana guru yang paling digeruni telah masuk ke dalam kelas.Wajahnya garang seperti Jin yang tidak ada Shamsudin. Kalau hendak tahu ikutilah pelajaran cikgu ini. Nama cikgu ialah..

Murid-murid: Selamat pagi, cikgu.

Cikgu: (Menengking) Mengapa selamat pagi sahaja? Petang dan malam
awak doakan saya tak selamat?

Murid-murid: Selamat pagi,petang dan malam cikgu!

Cikgu: Panjang sangat! Tak pernah dibuat oleh orang! Kata selamat
sejahtera! Senang dan penuh bermakna. Lagipun ucapan ini meliputi
semua masa dan keadaan.

Murid-murid: Selamat sejahtera cikgu!

Cikgu: Sama-sama, duduk! Dengar sini baik-baik . Hari ini cikgu nak
uji kamu semua tentang perkataan berlawan. Bila cikgu sebutkan
perkataannya, kamu semua mesti menjawab dengan cepat, lawan bagi
perkataan-perkataan itu, faham?

Murid-murid: Faham, cikgu!

Cikgu: Saya tak mahu ada apa-apa gangguan.

Murid-murid: (senyap)

Cikgu: Pandai!

Murid-murid: Bodoh!

Cikgu: Tinggi!

Murid-murid: Rendah!

Cikgu: Jauh!

Murid-murid: Dekat!

Cikgu: Berjaya!

Murid-murid: Usno!

Cikgu: Salah!

Murid-murid: Betul!

Cikgu: Bodoh!

Murid-murid: Pandai!

Cikgu: Bukan!

Murid-murid: Ya!

Cikgu: Oh Tuhan!

Murid-murid: Oh Hamba!

Cikgu: Dengar ini!

Murid-murid: Dengar itu!

Cikgu: Diam!

Murid-murid: Bising!

Cikgu: Itu bukan pertanyaan, bodoh!

Murid-murid: Ini ialah jawapan, pandai!

Cikgu: Mati aku!

Murid-murid: Hidup kami!

Cikgu: Rotan baru tau!

Murid-murid: Akar lama tak tau!

Cikgu: Malas aku ajar kamu!

Murid-murid: Rajin kami belajar cikgu!

Cikgu: Kamu gila!

Murid-murid: Kami siuman!

Cikgu: Cukup! Cukup!

Murid-murid: Kurang! Kurang!

Cikgu: Sudah! Sudah!

Murid-murid: Belum! Belum!

Cikgu: Mengapa kamu semua bodoh sangat?

Murid-murid: Sebab saya seorang pandai!

Cikgu: Oh! Melawan!

Murid-murid: Oh! Mengalah!

Cikgu: Kurang ajar!

Murid-murid: Cukup ajar!

Cikgu: Habis aku!

Murid-murid: Kekal kami!

Cikgu: O.K. Pelajaran sudah habis!

Murid-murid: K.O. Pelajaran belum bermula!

Cikgu: Sudah, bodoh!

Murid-murid: Belum, pandai!

Cikgu: Berdiri!

Murid-murid: Duduk!

Cikgu: Saya kata USNO salah!

Murid-murid: Kami dengar BERJAYA betul!

Cikgu: Bangang kamu ni!

Murid-murid: Cerdik kami tu!

Cikgu: Rosak!

Murid-murid: Baik!

Cikgu: Kamu semua ditahan tengah hari ini!

Murid-murid: Dilepaskan tengah malam itu!

Cikgu: (Senyap dan mengambil buku-bukunya keluar.) Sebentar kemudian,
loceng pun berdering.Murid-murid merasa lega kerana guru yang paling
ditakuti oleh mereka telah keluar. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka merasa
bangga kerana telah dapat menjawab kesemua soalan cikgu tadi, tetapi
esok masih ada. Cikgu itu pasti akan datang lagi.

Moral Of the story : Biar Lawak, Lucu, Kelakar, Jenaka dan ada sense of humor tapi jangan jadi Lawyer Buruk..Setuju tak?

Thursday, April 14, 2011


klu tgk 3 words ni..kte taw mmg jauh sgt mksod satu2 tu kan..sume dh PANDAI2 kan?? so xpyh laa ak nk bg maksud mnde2 alah tu.karang kne plak selak kamus dewan bahase dan pustaka.sbnrnye..ak nk cte psl word yg duk tgh tu jee.yg laen tu nk tumpang glame je..
td aku dok tgk2 mcm2 jenis org wat blog..mcm2 cte yg dorg share.xkre personal ke x..dh mcm diary seharian plak ak ak xleh nk wat camtu..sbb idop ak ni xmenarik utk diceritekan.sme je mcm org laen.ak isaw klu ak cte rmai plak yg mati,disebabkan niat ak yg murni,xnk tgk kadar kematian ngre mngkt,ak xkan cte psl idop ak sgt.okay,okay..smbung blk ape ak nk share td.yg ak perasan skali klu blog2 cewek,byk laa cte psl cowoknyee.i lap u,u lap me dan seangkatan dengannye laa..awwwwwww,so sweet.sejujurnye,ak xprnh terpk nk wat cmtu.sbb nye??I AM SINGLE.hahahaha senang cte,pompuan mcm ak ni nk pupus gk laa.sbb kengkwn ak pon rmai yg dh cpai status 'in a relationship'.tp stkt ni alhamdulillah,ak still xterjebak dlm hubungan sebegitu yee hadirin dan hadirat sekalian.dah kawan laki pon berape ketul je,ada hati nak COUPLE!haha
Tp ak dgn pendirian ak laa.xnk terlibat ngn permainan emosi.ececeyhh.mst ade yg kta 'eleh,ayat coverline je minah ni'.ye laaa,ak kta ak xnk tipulaa klu ak kta xde ske sespe kan.dr sekolah rendah,sekolah menengah sampai laa ke IPTA..mst ade jee yg berkenan en.just ak x pernah laa amek serious mnde2 mcm ni.ak slalu ingt mak ak pesan.perjalanan idop ak jauh lg.blaja laa dlu,kmpul duit bebyk.biar berjaya dulu.bru laa pk psl mnde2 nih.but ak xpernah laa nk ngate ke hape kt org yg ak dorg bley wat ape yg dorg nk wat.masing2 ade life sndri.sume pon taw bezakn dose ngn phla kan.jnji pndai2 laa jge dri sendiri.ak xnk laa jd mcm kwn ak sorg ni.statement dye bley dikatekan thp xde hati perut jantung dan ginjal laa.

"AKU xhormat dgn org yg couple2 ni.xkre laa dye pndai ke x.ak ttp xske"

oi cik kak.spe suh ko ske dorg..lek luuu.klu dibuatnyee ko couple satu ari nnt,bru laa ko taw tnggi rndh lngit bumi..adoi.kte semua manusie bese kan.kte xlyk nk menilai org tu baik ke,jahat kee.kte amek inisiatif sndri r..pndai2 laa bezekan betul ngn salah.TUHAN je yg layak meletakkan kedudukan hambaNYA kat mne.
And utk org2 SINGLE mcm ak,xpayah nk gelabah ayam sgt laa.terkocoh2 nk cri gf ke bf.enjoy je life kte skang.adenye family kte ngn parents n adik akk yg sengal mengal pon dh ckup kan.ble dh smpai mse kte,bru laa kte pk kot laen plak.kpd bebdk yg dh jumpe teman sehidup dan xmati-mati..ak doakan korg bhgie dunie akhirat.jge r batasan2 antre laki ngn pompuan..waaa,terase mcm ustazah yg BERWIBAWA plak.HAAHAAH
akhir kate,klu ak dh xbrape nk SINGLE,ak nk kecoh satu dunie.ahahaha haa,kt fb,kt twitter,blog,formspring sume..ak akan cte smpai dh skarang ak nk mengisytiharkan bhwsenye sye BERBANGGA menjadi SINGLE tanpa KEMUSYKILAN ataupun RAGU-RAGU

P/S: mutiara kata pada abad ke 2o ini ialah

The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.(B FRANKLIN)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Sebelum ak nk cte pape..TAJUK kt atas mmg xde kne mengene langsung dgn ape ak nk cte ni.nk wat camane,ILHAM xde.
So,terus kpd titik (str8 to the point)..ak kongsi problem yg ak rse common sgt dlm kalangan remaje skang.xkre awek ke awok..same aje.mmg ikut kajian,mslh ni berlaku lebih pd perempuan laa kan..sbb laki pndai cover sket r.nway,mslh yg ak duk membebel ni psl confident level dan keturunannye.
LOVE = 0
Mesti klu kte tgk percentage kt atas ni (yg merupekan kajian ak sndri HAHA),kte rse pelik sbb bdknyee bkn lembap ke ape en..dh mcm kesian sgt idop mcm tu lah kenyataannye..sbb ak pon termsok dlm golongan2 yg tersesat jauh ni.Realitinyee..mmg cmtu.ble kt berfb,twitter,formspring sume..gaye mcm cool TUHAN je yg taw klu muka ke muka ataupun org putih kta face to facee..mmg tunduk malu thp nk rukuk' jee..
Ak xtaw laa klu org kengkdg prasaan tuu mmg ade.kte rse xykin ble dpn org rmai.sbb ape???ade byk sbb sbnrnyee..antaranye sbb xpercye pd dri sndri..xsyg dan xhormat dgn bakat yg kte ade.Seriously klu ak..ak xykin pd dri sndri sbb fizikal ak..(okay,ni bukan BERSAMAMU nk sdey2 ke ape tp ni cte sbnr)bkn sbb xbersyukur ke ape.mgkn sbb size bdn yg xbrape nk kecik ataupun ayat bestnyee 'diam diam WANIE berisi'..sgle mcm nasihat yg prnh ak dgr..slalu dorg kta,alaaa waniee..rilex je r.dh ko belasah je.HELOOOOOOOOOO..ckp sng laa wei..hahah mslhnyee ak mmg xleh nk HUHA HUHA sgt klu dpn2 org rmai or org ak bru knl.
Nasib ak baik sket laa.sbb ak dikelilingi dgn org2 yg terpelajar lg terdidik mnybbkn ak xde laa rse down sgt.Nak kta ak xcukup ksih syg...dh melimpah2 dh..klu xckup mkn tu tpu laa..sbb tu lah pnca mslh terBESAQ.haha adoi.ak rse r..ak kengkdg pk sgt ape pndgn org kt ak.dye bkn kes sje nk cri simpati tp kes xde kerje nk dibuat kot.entahlahh.selame ak idop ni..ak agk jelous gak ngn bebdk ngn nmpk ykin,independent,berkepimpinan..sbb ak terpk gk,bley laaa ak nk jd mcm spesis2 LUARBIASA a.k.a. ALIEN bg ak..
Nway,bebdk skrg rmai kot yg pndai.bersepah lg yg golongan2 yg ALIEN ni yg berhrge n diperlukan dlm msyrkt(alototototttt,ak ngaku r ak xlayak sobs3.)Tapi kengkadang ak bermuhasabah diri gak r.ak xde laa jahil sgt kan..ak terpk..klu ak sdey sgt psl ak size besar ke ape..npe ak xpenah sedih klu ak terlpe Allah ble dh sng..mgkn klu ak cun sket dri skarang *riak2*,xkan ade laa WANIE skarang ak ykin je,satu hari nanti ak akan tolonglaa phm.ak pon xtaw ble ak bley berubah.sye ni pemalu orgnyee.ITU HAKIKAT YE.ble dgn kengkwn ak yg sekple je ak bley masuk.klu x alamatnye jd perempuan melayu terawal dan terakhir laa ak kt situ.Cecmne pon itulah ak kan.xkan ak nk menggelebah xtntu psl.MALU ITU SEBAHAGIAN DARI malu pun ade tmptnye gk.aiseh!
So korg yg ade kt muke bumi ni,jgnlh jd cm ak..cbe cri identiti diri korg sndri.sbb ak pon nk try gk r en..mne lah taw ak ley brubah..doa2 kanlah kte semua sentiasa berada di bawah berkat dan redha NYA.aminn.

CERITE di atas xde kne mengene dgn yg idop ataupun yg sudah mati.

P/S:mutiara kata pada zaman berteknologi tinggi ialah
Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.
(Lao Tse)


Aku terbce mnde alah ni td..lwk glee..just wanna share with u guys.
Suatu pagi yang indah kat sebuah sekolah rendah, seorang guru yang
begitu dedikasi mengajar anak2 muridnya tentang betapa bahayanya
minuman keras kepada mereka. Sebelum memulakan mata pelajarannya pada hari
itu dia telah mengambil 2 ekor cacing yang hidup, sebagai sampel kehidupan
dan dua gelas minuman yang masing2 berisi dengan air mineral dan arak..

“Cuba perhatikan murid2.. lihat bagaimana saya akan memasukkan cacing ini
kedalam gelas, perhatikan betul2. Cacing yang sebelah kanan saya, akan saya
masukkan ke dalam air mineral manakala cacing yang sebelah kiri saya akan
masukkan ke dalam arak. Perhatikan betul2.”

Semua mata tertumpu pada kedua2 ekor cacing itu.

Seperti dijangkakan, cacing yang berada dalam gelas yang berisi air mineral
itu berenang2 di dasar gelas, manakala cacing yang berada di dalam arak
menggeletek lalu mati. Si cikgu tersenyum lebar, apabila melihat anak2
muridnya memberikan sepenuh tumpuan pada ujikajinya.

“Baiklah murid2, apa yang kamu dapat belajar dari ujikaji yang cikgu
tunjukkan sebentar tadi??”

Dengan penuh yakin anak2 muridnya menjawab,


Pengajaran : Cakap biar terang, bak kata-kata dalam filem P Ramlee……….


okay2.this is my first time blogging for real.yeah,it takes a lot of effort but yahooo!my blog is officially done.HAHA after about 4 hours of hardworking (well,you a do support me pl =p),i finally publishing my number one post.As i have a lot of time *oh,i forgot to mention that i had finished my studies in uitm puncak alam and now having my sweet holidays*,i will share all kind of stuff that i found interesting.
WAAAHH..berjaye buat satu perenggan dalam bahasa inggeris.BAHAHAA tu laaa pentingnye english education bak kata si usop wilchaa.WELL3..okay,okay.
sebenarnye credit tu ziema dan afini idrus selaku perempuan2 yg bergune pd abad terkini sbb tolong aku buat blog ni..Jasa mu akan ku kenang smpai beble..
Sejak duk umah ni..RINDU jugak kat bebdk palam.serious korg sporting gle.*bajet knl sgt je sume kan* still,hidup kat palam xtension lngsong.dengan bebdk F4 yg sempoi..kengkwn baik ak..zu,fini,shu..rumate ak yg SENGAL LG NGEK,ateq..mmg xkn jmpe dh homosapien jenis korg ni.nway,ak syg korg.WAAHHH..romantik x ak..HAHAHAH
Pling pntg,ak nk kta thanks kt korg sbb byk bg ilmu kt ak.TWEETY,ZIEMA ntah sespe lg..xingt nme tp jgn isaw mke korg akan melekat kt hati ak.ececeyhhh...sebab bebru ni dh dpt result yg org katee bley r diterima akal..ak nk ucapkan terima kasih kat lecturer2 yg byk bg ilmu..mslhnye ak je yg xberape nk byk yg pling ak xkan lupe mr. ape yeee.HAHA korg pephm je laaa.scandal TEGAR tu.hahahah
K,dah dah.jangan melalut sgt.SEKALI lg kat bebdk F4 and minah2 kt R2204..miss u all da veryyy muahxx..

P/S:mutiara kata pd zaman millenium ini ialah....

Always laugh when you can; It is cheap medicine. (Byron)